How to adapt my premises against COVID-19?
The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has revealed a paradigm shift that will accompany us in our habits in all areas of our lives. In order to adapt to this change, it is necessary to increase confidence in the safe use of the buildings in which we live, heal, work, stock up on food or enjoy our free time.
The owners, managers or operators of businesses in buildings are challenged to adapt their infrastructure so that people can carry out their activities in safe and hygienic conditions. In view of the regulatory uncertainty that still exists, they wonder how to calibrate investments optimally, with a vision for the future and avoiding interventions that compromise future reuse.
This is why, given our technical experience in works and renovations in the following sectors: hotel, office, catering and commercial, we can offer customized solutions that are proportional to the needs, minimally invasive and flexible.
Business and property owners need guidance in the face of regulatory uncertainty, a clear plan of action, and technical measures with an investment that is targeted to the circumstances and future oriented
Recommendations against Covid-19 in tourism, lodging and hostelry.
We analyze the recommendations of official bodies to offer our clients solutions adapted to their needs, which do not imply costly investments in infrastructure.
The Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE), a body under the Secretary of State for Tourism and belonging to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, has developed a certification in “safe tourism”.
It is not the only one to propose actions: the Hotel Business Association of Benidorm and the Costa Blanca (HOSBEC) has published the complete technical specification for its associates, detailing the actions.
We adapt your premises to avoid Coronavirus infection.
QUADRATURE is a company dedicated to interior refurbishment and conditioning of spaces, with wide experience in hotels, offices and commercial premises.
We analyze the requirements of our clients, design and implement customized solutions for each project. We provide technical advice, design management and execution of works, adaptation to regulations and license management. All this while meeting the objectives set in terms of quality, time and cost, working as a team and in a flexible manner with our clients.
We have created a specific service line with our brand QUOVID to offer our clients specific solutions to protect their facilities against Covid-19,

Soluciones contra Covid
Reformas de locales comerciales y hoteles para evitar contagios de Coronavirus.
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